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« Friday, November 12th, 2010—Bar 306 | Main | Wednesday, November 10th, 2010—Bar 304 »

Thursday, November 11th, 2010—Bar 305

Day 305—Wednesday, November 10th, 2010
Galaxy Global Eatery (Originally Headed For East Village Tavern)

The donation bell has rung and it's from one of the owners of last night's bar, Reif's Tavern. Bob's sister Taryn generously sent in a donation of 25 dollars and thanked me for going to their fine tavern. Thanks Taryn, it was a pleasure to have visited your fine bar and I will be back!

I found a website today called East Village Eats. I was trying to figure out a bar to go to and his first post was about eating at a bar called the East Village Tavern. I read his post and then clicked on the bars website and I decided to try it out. It’s fairly new, it opened up in 2008, but looks like it has promise. From the website I see that they have an ever-changing craft beer menu on tap, but they’ve also serve Bud in bottles, so they’re not beer snobs. The clincher was when I saw they had Genesee Cream Ale in cans. I had that the other night when I was out with Clacky and Shannon and it was great. So to the East Village we go.

Okay, I've been out here trying to hail a cab for close to a half an hour and there's nothing. What the fuck?

Fuck, it's twenty minutes later and still nothing. I think you know what we have to do...

Time to improvise and take that lonesome walk.

Goddamn it's getting chilly out here, I hate to see winter coming.

What are you Marvin Gaye over there? What's going on is I'm trying to find a fucking bar, is that okay with you?

I wonder if there's a bar in here, I'm tired of walking. Let's go see.

The bar's a little crowded, but I see a spot at the end.

The bartender seems a little startled by my appearance and perhaps my camera.

But after I told him what I was doing, he happily served up a beer and said I could do my 365 thing in there. His name is Will and he's a friendly bartender, a good guy and an actor. Check out a film he acted and produced in here: "Treasury Men In Action."

A view from my perch at the bar.

Will's pretty girlfriend, Stephanie was seated next to me and was very supportive of the 365 bar idea.

Fittingly, the ceiling has a galaxy on it. Very cool.

Hey, didn't you see the sign? No SHIRT, no shoes, NO SERVICE!

A long shot of the bar.

There's banquettes and tables opposite the bar to dine and drink at.

Blue orbs hang from the ceiling and add to the Galaxy atmosphere.

Actually you can eat money, I've tried it. It tastes like chicken, but a little dryer.

All you need is love...and a side of money doesn't hurt.

Meanwhile back at the bar, Will's busy taking care of business.

These three fellows seem deep in conversation, let's go butt in and see who they are.

It's Will, Michael and Holden. And they collectively chose to look away from the 365 camera.

Back at the bar, Will continued to ignore the camera, but luckily Heather, seated next to him, flashed us a beautiful smile!

I take a break from the beer, have a final screwdriver and it's time to hit the road, Jack. Goodnight, everybody!

Okay, I’m running late for work, so I don’t have time to write a review, but here’s one from the old gray lady, The New York Times:


The bar doubles as a hangout for Irving Plaza, the rock club next door, and the techno music doesn't always stay in the background. But the Galaxy is one of those restaurants that are meant to be loud and smoky. What makes it worthwhile is the unusual menu of Asian- and Latin-inspired dishes, like a salad of cold noodles in a light sesame-oil dressing over greens. The Galaxy, a former diner, serves breakfast as well, including excellent eggs Benedict on a sweet Portuguese roll with an intensely spicy jalapeño mayonnaise.


Galaxy Global Eatery
15 Irving Place (@15th Street

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Reader Comments (21)

The king of the bounce backs strikes again! Looks like a cool place with pretty women and an out of this world ceiling. LOL! Nice improvising!

November 11, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBarfly

The ceiling is cool.

November 11, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAl

Good thing Will came around, that first pic didn't look promising. As someone with a constellation tattoo, LOVE the galaxy ceiling. Wonder if Will/Michael/Holden group saw a UFO.

November 11, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterkari

You forgot to include a photo of Gort the bouncer. Klaatu Barrada Nictu!

November 11, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJaws the Cabbie

@kari: Hmm...I thought I heard the Close Encounters theme go off, maybe you're right!

@Jaws: Okay that went right over my head, who the hell is Klaatu Barrada Nictu? I remember Klaatu the band.


November 11, 2010 | Registered Commenter365 Beers

Gort the Robot from The Day the Earth Stood Still. 1951. Klatuu was played by Michael Rennie.

November 11, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJaws the Cabbie

@Jaws: Nice trivia!

November 11, 2010 | Registered Commenter365 Beers

Nice blue glow in this place. And I totally dig the snazzy retro walls - leftover from the old diner days, no doubt. I've heard of being so rich, you shit money, but never of being so hungry, you eat it...but whatever you say, Diesel. I just wish something tasted like lobster every once in a while. The point is, The Galaxy looks like a cool place, just as happy to serve ordinary folks like you and me as it is to serve shirtless deities. Two thumbs up for Will and Galaxy Global Eatery! And I think I've seen Heather before.

November 11, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBiff

@Biff: I had to eat a dollar bill once due to losing a pool bet, not a fun thing to do, just imagine all the germs that are on money. Yeeps.

November 11, 2010 | Registered Commenter365 Beers

Ohh! Nice save by Wombacher! Always thrilling action at the 365…

November 11, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterNed Sparks

The BBC has arrived ! Party !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

November 11, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterGENE

@GENE: Work is nuts tonight, I just sent you an email, hope you guys are up for a late-night crawl!

November 11, 2010 | Registered Commenter365 Beers

@Gene: I just skipped a bar uptown without paying the bill. I feel like a cunt but I've phoned them and all's good so now I feel like less of one. I'll be up at the BRICK YARD to fix the bill some time tomorrow with a more than generous tip for Claire and co.
Howdy to brothers Steve and Scott for not giving me too much of a hard time for being an Eagles fan!

@BBC: Check with Marty to get my email and we can meet up tomorrow maybe upper west side for a pre crawl crawl? Don't think we'll hang out till early morning tonight sorry to the BBC!! I'm kinda in the zone. I'm a firm believer in first impression and you don't wanna meet me in that state...I'll see if I can call you!

@365:Nice bounce back yet again soldier!!
We're freakin' starving here and need food to soak up the "Not Yet Paid For" suds! We'll chat via telephonic coms later to see if theres any change in the work schedule.

To the Crawl!...To whoever, wherever, however, whatever stoopid......whatever. 305!

November 11, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTim Clack

@Clacky: we're in the East Village now ... at The Horse Box ... going to Otto's Shrunken Head next ... then a whole bunch of others after that ... come on down! ... Marty has my # ...

November 11, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterGENE

@Gene: Too hard to pin point mate.... Definitely crawl 2morrow....just been over in Greenwich at Knickerbockers Steak house. Amazing food and live jazz pianist. Ahh NY!
Got Yr Number off Marty, Will call you tomorrow!!!

November 12, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTim Clack

Great stop at thre Galaxy and Kudos to Taryn for keeping it alive.
Seriously, Bars could not find this great Advertising.
A lot of bang for the bucks!

Welcome BBC!
(I think a new T Shirt Design for the final 60 days. I'm already working up something)
Whaddaya think?

November 12, 2010 | Unregistered Commenter"Boris"

THE not thre.
Damn you non editable posts!

November 12, 2010 | Unregistered Commenter"Boris"

@"Boris:" LOVE the "CRAWLAPALOOZA" idea! Can't wait to see it! Let's yak tomorrow, Daddio!

November 12, 2010 | Registered Commenter365 Beers

@All... the ABC MET THE BBC,
And all is good!

to Crawlapalooza!

November 12, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTim Clack

Cheers to All
Not feeling well & have to go to work & work this fucking weekend again .

November 12, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJHwang

Oh Marty, you make me laugh! "Actually you can eat money, I've tried it. It tastes like chicken, but a little dryer." Ahahhahahahaha! PS: Im dreading the cold winter too!

November 12, 2010 | Unregistered Commentermeleah rebeccah

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