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Friday, December 24th, 2010—Bar 348

Thursday, December 23rd, 2010—Bar 348

The Trolley

Okay, I’m finally squared away here in Peoria and today I’m meeting my friend, Phil Luciano at The Trolley, a bar which I frequented a lot in my wild youth growing up in Peoria. Phil Luciano is somewhat of a renaissance man in Peoria. He’s teaches journalism at Bradley University, he’s a working journalist and writes a column for the local paper, The Journal Star and he’s co-host of the Markley and Luciano Show which is a morning rock and roll party five days a week on Max FM 102.3. And he also makes a mean hot apple pie, and it’s not the kind of apple pie you’re thinking of. Come on along the crawl and you’ll see what I mean.

This place was called The Toonerville Trolley when I was a kid, not it's just, The Trolley. Let's go inside.

Plenty of seats in here, let's take a load off.

And the lovely and friendly Belinda serves up an ice-cold afternoon beer.

A view of my seat at the bar. What's that strange light beaming in? Oh, it's sunshine, I need to get some sunglasses for my daytime duty here in Peoria.

There's a dining table in the back room and...

A nice pool table and...

A vintage shuffleboard table. I think this was here way back when I used to drink here.

A fan hovers over the bar and keeps the air moving.

Some of the specials at the bar: three bucks for all you can eat pizza and a bucket of five bottles of beer for ten bucks. Holy smokes! I'm not in New York anymore, Toto. And surprisingly enough, Toto is playing on the jukebox. Irony at its finest hour.

Photos of patrons past and present hang on the wall.

A couple of the regulars pointed out that this is a photo of Jim Thome in the bar. I got some major league laughs when I asked who he was, because it turns out he's a famous baseball player from Peoria. Shows you how much I know about sports. But, hey, I know that Richard Pryor and Sam Kinison are from here. In fact I've met both of them. So there!

Meanwhile, things are taking a leisurely pace back at the bar. Let's go see who this guy is.

It's Billy a friendly regular here at the Bar. He's adorned with a Trolley sweatshirt and flashes the 365 card. Cheers to Billy!

Belinda in action at the bar.

And here's my pal, Phil! He grabs my boob for a true Nearby Nite Life inspired photo. If you didn't live in Peoria in the '70's or '80's, you probably won't understand that, but that's okay.

And lunch arrives in the form of a Butch's Pizza. I need to start getting these delivered to New York, the best pizza in the world!

And here's Phil with his hot apple pie on the brain. It's homemade hooch made with Everclear and apple spices and other things that I was too busy eating pizza to note.

Phil pours, it goes into the microwave and then...

Baboom, we have an instant holiday toast. Cheers!

Okay, the pizza's almost gone and I told my mom I'd stop drinking at three in the afternoon. I think we all know what that means...

It 's time to snort Phil's hot apple pie in the parking lot. Goodnight, everybody!


I don’t know how long the Trolley has been in business on Farmington Road, but its been there as long as I can remember, so it’s safe to say its been there quite a while. The front of the bar is dominated by an oval wooden bar with stools and patrons on the perimeter. Most of the customers are regulars who’ve been sitting on these stools for decades, but it’s the type of place that’s even friendly to some kook from New York who’s going to 365 bars in 365 days.

It’s a full bar and beer can be bought by the bucketfull for not much dough. There’s also chicken wings, Butch’s pizza, chili dogs and other bar grub to be had. There’s daily specials and a pool table, darts and a shuffle board in the back.

I sent Phil an email before I came back and asked him if this joint was still open, he replied with this: Grab a Napkin and Help Out Fred. Nice to see some things remain the same. Thanks to The Trolley for the hospitality and to Phil for the hot apple pie!

The Trolley

2411 W Farmington Rd.

Peoria, Illinois



Thursday, December 23rd, 2010—Bar 347

Wednesday, December 22nd, 2010—Bar 347

Jet Rock Bar & Grill

Usually I write the opening for this right before I go to the bar. Well, I’m in Peoria, Illinois to spend Christmas with my parents and family so everything’s going to be just a little different for the next few days. Basically, I’ll be going to bars in the day, so I can do family stuff and see friends in the evening. Yesterday I had to fly out of LaGuardia Airport at 10am, which meant I had to be there around 8am and hope there was a bar open so I could sit there for an hour and have three drinks and then get on the plane and collapse. I’ve worked nights since 1985, so I keep Elvis hours, meaning I’m usually up till about 4 or 5am. So I didn’t get much sleep and dragged my sorry ass to the Jet Rock Bar & Grill and I guess what I’m getting to is today’s bar crawl is going to be a bit of a dud. I was the only one there and I was drinking triple vodka and orange juices since I hate to fly and always get schnockered before getting on the plane. After being thrown in the Boone County Jail in Cincinnati a few years ago for drunk and disorderly conduct (it’s a long story for those of you that have never heard it, one maybe I’ll tell later), I’ve learned to keep my big mouth shut and just stumble on to the plane. So that’s what I do. So here we go, I’ll try and do a better one tomorrow. Hey, I’m allowed a clinker now and again, right?

Oh and speaking of clinkers, I was so fucking tired and out of it, I forgot to bring my cell phone with me. And my parents don’t have internet access, so I can only check my email once a day when I’m out here at my brother’s putting this thing together, so those of you trying to get hold of me (you know who you are) you can call me at my parents house. No cell phone, no internet...I’m partying like it’s 1988 over here! Oooh, heaven is a place on earth...

I called for a car service to the airport and here we go. It stinks so bad in here and it's a weird smell. It's hard to describe, but it's not unlike Styrofoam that's been marinated in cat vomit for a fortnight or so. Oh and it's seven in the fucking morning. I don't like morning and I'm on the verge of throwing up. It's the most wonderful time of the year...my ass!

Welcome to LaGuardia...wasn't that Guns and Roses second single? Which leads me to wonder what the fuck ever happened to Izzy Stradlin. And it's too motherfucking early to be thinking about Izzy Stradlin. Where's the goddamn bar?

The Jet Rock Bar & Grill. Let's get this over with, I'm crabby.

Okay, this isn't off to a good start. The bartender refuses to have her picture taken and she tells me they can't serve booze till 8am. It's ten till eight, so I have a diet Coke and wait out the ten minutes. Did I mention it sucks in here? I hate morning. And it's even worse when you're sober.

Those booze bottles are taunting and laughing at me.

Here's a long shot of the bar. It's empty and it's morning. Not the best recipe for a bar crawl. I feel like I'm letting you all down! The shame, the shame!

Okay, this is kind of cool and one of my favorite Bob Dylan albums of all time. Right up there with "Blonde on Blonde."

Hey Bartender, it's 8am over here! Time to start boozing it up.

Alright, here we go! A triple vodka and orange juice. Three of these will get me in the right mood to fly. Cheers!

And here's drink number two, which is actually the equivalent of six drinks. Prepare for takeoff!


Attention catheter users: You're in an airport, get to a hospital!

Old catheters? You know when it comes to catheters, you really shouldn't try to skimp. Go nuts and use a new one, you only live once! And since you're on the catheter, you're time may be coming to a close, so it's time to fly first class.

I think there's even enough TV's in here for Gene! Too bad they keep playing catheter commercials on them.

Shit, I just looked at the clock and it was after nine, I gotta run and catch the plane.

Okay, through the magic of the internet you're spared me stumbling onto the plane and passing out and here we are in Chicago and the plane's on time.

The Cat hat is a clue that I'm near to Peoria.

Then suddenly...

P-E-O-R-I-A...Peoria! (Sung to the tune of Gloria.) Goodnight, everybody...err...good day...aahh, whatever.


Uhh...I don’t know, this place is kind of like The Hard Rock Cafe’s retarded younger brother. Okay, I gotta go, I’m hoping today’s bar crawl will be a little better. I’d hate to lose my whole audience at the end of this thing!

 Jet Rock Bar & Grill

Terminal C, LaGuardia Airport


Wednesday, December 22nd, 2010—Bar 346

Day 346—Tuesday, December 21st, 2010
Whiskey Town

If you have access to a radio or a computer on Christmas, check out the Christmas party at WFMU. Jon and Karen who are the masterminds behind Grade “A” Fancy are going to be guests on the show and it’s sure to be a walloping good time. You can read the details here: Holiday Cheer from Grade “A” Fancy.

Okay, Tonight I’m going to a bar that Gene from the BBC discovered in his travels last weekend. It’s called Whiskey Town and we stopped in for a drink and wound up having two. I told the bartender I’d be back to do the 365 thing in there and he said he’d be on duty. Like a dumbfuck I can’t remember his name, so let’s go find out what it is and more about Whiskey Town.

There's nothing better than when a bar has pure advertising such as this.

It's Tuesday, so there's plenty of seats at the bar.

And bartender Peacock is quick on his feet with an ice cold can of Budweiser. In a beer koozie no less!

Cheers and beers to you all!

The lights that hang above the wooden ceiling that illuminate the bar.

The bar from my perspective.

Oh Christmas tree...hey what are those ornaments?

Cans of Bud Light, how seasonal!

Peacock bought me a pickle-back shot, which the bar is famous for.

Seth took the photo and in return Peacock bought him a pickle back shot.

Seth gives the drink the thumbs up.

I don't know, but I'd like to think there's a little miniature of whiskey in each and every one of those stockings.

A longshot of the candle-lit bar.

I love the vintage cash register at the bar.

I snapped a photo of regulars Dan and Jordan on their way out.


Let's check out who's Peacock talking to...

It's Adem and Lauren. Adem runs a bar nearby and I've totally lost the card he gave me. Send me directions if you see this post, Adem!

The bar has a signature vodka, Tom Lawless, which is named for the owner's grandfather.

And here's me sampling the whiskey in a lemonade drink.

Peacock gave me a t-shirt featuring the name of the whiskey and here I am pimping it. Yes, I can be bought for a t-shirt.

This doll in a store front scared the shit out of me on the way home. Mama! Goodnight, everybody!

Okay, I’m getting ready to catch a plane to Peoria, so I don’t have time to write a review. I’ll let Whiskey Town tell its tale from their website. Oh Whiskey Town...


Whiskey Town opened on July 10, 2007 by 2 brothers, George and Justin Ruotolo. Between them they have 15 years of New York Bar / Restaurant experience. They have opened, operated or owned: The Vig Bar, Tribe, W8th, PS450, Vig 27 and Punch and Judy. They ventured out on their own to open a true East Village Bar, and Whiskey Town was born.

Their philosophy is simple: well poured drinks, reasonable prices, good music, a comfortable setting and great service. One if not both of the brothers are at Whiskey Town every night.

Whiskey Town is a true East Village Bar.


Whiskey Town

29 E. 3rd St. (Near Second Ave.)


Bonus Photo and Christmas Gift!

365 commentator Kari sent me a nice Christmas surprise, a bag of homemade toffee (some of it chocolate covered) and a nice Christmas card and a picture of her and her son Will. Check it out!

Here's the card and the toffee.

And here's Kari and her son Will. Thanks again, Kari, happy holidays!


Bonus Biff Bar Crawl!
365 commentator and frequest guest star Bifferoonie recently went on a bar crawl and she documented it for us. I’ll let her take over now. Oh, Bifferoonie...

Betty's Fine Food & Spirits (680 N. High Street, Short North, Columbus, OH)  www.bettyscolumbus.com

Betty's is a small eatery and bar located in the heart of Columbus, Ohio's Short North Arts District. Filled to the rafters with tchotchkes, knick-knacks and posters of pin-up girls, it provides a fun, cozy place to sample some eclectic food fare (try the mac and cheese with poblano chiles and spicy sausage, or Marge's meatloaf for old-school comfort), or sip on a draft beer (currently at 17 on tap) or quirky cocktail. If you're into saving your environment one beer at a time, this is your place, as many of the draft options are pegged as Ohio-brewed, sustainable and organic; and the Betty's family of restaurants was a leader in providing biodegradable to-go containers. Open 11 AM to 2 AM, daily.

Outside shot.

My friendly bartender, Nate, handing me the first of many draft PBRs ($2.00, all the time!)

Lindsey and Brian, who were standing next to me at the bar and waiting for their world-traveling friends, Kyle and Christin.

Through the magic of the internet, here they are! TA-DA! Kyle and Christin! You can read about their adventures and check out Brian's music at www.kylebutlermusic.

A view from the end of the bar.

Tim and Laura, enjoying a couple of the many drafts featured at Betty's.

A picture of some of the taps.

Karen and Kate, who run the green website www.biggreenhead.com, reduce their carbon footprint by enjoying a couple of drafts.

Fire! (Note to Biff from Marty: Um...that’s electricity, not fire, Bifferoonie.)

Another nice couple who were very supportive of the 365 Crawl, Weston and Krissy.

The bathroom doors at Betty's. The men's room is Johnny's...

And the women's is Betty's.

Julie offers up a cheers to the 365 blog.

I interrupted two lovely ladies, Kelli and Melissa, to give them a 365 card. They were talking about moving to Manhattan, so I told them to look you up, Marty! (You're welcome) (Another note from Marty: Hello ladies!)

Yours fooly with another Marty fan, C.J.

And after all that, we went to see The Katie Todd Band (www.katietodd.com), who hail from Chicago and sounded excellent. If you have a chance to see them live, you should.


Thanks Bifferoonie, now I have to go catch a fucking plane. Oh and I won’t be online much because my parents don’t have a computer and I can’t access the internet there. I’ll be putting up the daily post at my brother’s apartment, but won’t be online after that, so if you email or I don’t comment back for awhile, that’s the reason. Sneeze you all soon from Peoria, Illinois! Unless my plane crashes, then I won't be seeing anybody too soon.

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